CAR: MSF Receives 31 New Wounded at Bangui's General Hospital

Aurelie Baumel/MSF


Renewed fighting has flared up following unrest in the PK5 neighborhood in Bangui, Central African Republic, where some 2,200 Muslims remain. Local militiamen have clashed with the international forces present in Bangui. 

The Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams based in the General Hospital have received 31 wounded in a single day and are working hard to deal with the high influx of injured patients. MSF teams have been stretched to their limit and referred some cases to the Hopital Communautaire.

“All the injured displayed gunshot wounds," says MSF deputy head of mission Claude Cafardy. "Ten critically wounded patients will receive surgery today."

Gunshots, artillery, and shelling continue to be heard in Bangui today. 

As a result of the violence, the MSF team in the PK5 health center has been forced to suspend medical activities and seek shelter in the safe room before being evacuated. MSF teams composed of 19 international and 240 Central African staff work in the emergency and surgical department of the hospital.

Depuis fin février 2014, MSF prend en charge les urgences chirurgicales à l’hôpital général de Bangui. Les équipes prennent en charge les blessés suite aux épisodes de violence due au conflit ainsi que des accidentés de la route. Début juin, le taux d’occupation des 104 lits (dont 4 en soins intensifs) de l’hôpital général avoisine les 90%. En mai, 447 actes chirurgicaux ont été réalisés, 64 patients ont été pris en charge pour des blessures liées à la violence (balle, arme blanche, grenade), 158 patients ont été hospitalisés et 331 ont été reçus aux urgences.<br/> General Hospital Since late February 2014, MSF supports surgical emergencies in the general hospital of Bangui. The teams receive the wounded following episodes of violence due to the conflict as well as traffic accident victims. In early June, the occupancy rate of the 104 beds (including four in intensive care) was around 90%. In May, 447 surgical procedures were performed, 64 patients were supported for injuries related to violence (bullet, weapon, and grenade), 158 patients were hospitalized and 331 were received in emergencies. *** Local Caption *** MSF has worked in the Central African Republic since 1997 and currently has more than 300 international staff and more than 2,000 Central African workers in the country. Since December 2013, MSF has doubled its medical assistance in response to the ongoing crisis, from 10 to 21 projects and is running an additional six emergency projects for Central African refugees in the neighbouring countries of Chad, Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.<br/> MSF travaille en République centrafricaine depuis 1997 et compte actuellement plus de 300 personnels internationaux et plus de 2 000 employés centrafricains dans le pays. Depuis décembre 2013, MSF a doublé son assistance médicale en réponse à la crise actuelle, passant de 10 à 21 projets, et gère 6 projets d'urgence supplémentaires pour les réfugiés dans les pays voisins tels que le Tchad, le Cameroun et la République démocratique du Congo.
Aurelie Baumel/MSF