The MSF report, “Misery Beyond the War Zone,” shows that many of the 220,000 Syrians who have sought refuge in Lebanon cannot obtain the health care they need, among other worrisome findings. The survey, which follows a similar study carried out by MSF last June, reveals a marked deterioration of the humanitarian situation for refugees and other displaced people in Lebanon, in large part due to extremely lengthy registration delays. Refugees in Lebanon are not entitled to formal assistance if they are not registered.
Father and son at indigenous community of Genareros in the outskirts of Tame, the capital of Arauca region. This was the first community to receive Chagas treatment. Out of 97 blood samples taken from children between nine months and 18 years old, 11 were found to have the disease. <br /><br />At the end 2009, MSF integrated Chagas screening and treatment into its primary healthcare services already carried out in Arauca, a conflict-affected region in Colombia bordering Venezuela. After patients are confirmed to have Chagas disease, they are given a medical check up and started on a two-month long treatment. The MSF team carries out weekly medical follow up to check for side effects and any difficulties with complying with the treatment. This is the first time MSF treats Chagas diseas in a conflict context. "It is a real challenge, because the treatment requires constant follow up during two months, and there is always the concern that we will be unable to reach a community for security constraint or because an armed group declared a general stopping of the road movements in the region", said Patrick Swartenbroekx, MSF field coordinator in Tame.
Chagas disease is endemic in most Latin American countries. It is caused by the trypanosoma cruzi parasite and transmitted mainly by the 'kissing bug', a blood-sucking insect common in rural areas and city outskirts where people live in adobe houses made of clay and straw. Transmission is also possible from mother to child, through blood transfusions, organ transplants and contaminated food. Patients with Chagas disease may live for years without presenting any symptoms. If untreated, however, the disease can lead to serious health problems, mainly heart and intestinal complications, and even death.Mads Nissen