"Eneza Ujumbe: The Voices of Mathare Youth" is a newsletter written by and produced by young people living with HIV in Mathare, a slum on the edge of Nairobi. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) runs a clinic in Mathare called the Blue House, which provides health care to thousands of people. Here is an excerpt from the first issue:
Have you heard the latest news? The youth in Blue House clinic have launched their first ever newsletter. It is fresh, exciting and very informative. It not only targets the youth but the entire Mathare community.
It is free. The youth in Mathare felt that this was one way to effectively inform, share their life experiences, create awareness and help reduce stigma related to HIV/AIDS. They are intelligent, enthusiastic and talented young people. They have faced numerous challenges, overcome some and still continue to soldier on. They are indeed a force to be reckoned with. I am proud of the young minds behind this initiative and much honored to have worked with them. Keep it up.
Blue House is an outpatient clinic located in Mathare along Juja Road opposite Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA). It offers TB (Tuberculosis) treatment TB Screening, HIV testing and Counseling. Also Antiretroviral drugs, Treatment of Multiple Resistant Tuberculosis, PMTCT and Sexual Gender-Based Violence care are services offered and all absolutely free.
This newsletter is produced by the youth with contribution by the medical teams at the Blue House. The newsletter will address issues like, Prevention of Mother to Child transmission (PMTCT), HIV /AIDS transmission prevention, care and support given after infection, information on tuberculosis, the issues of Sexual and Gender Violence among other topics that affect us. I have no doubt in my mind that you will thoroughly enjoy reading this Newsletter and its subsequent issues, and that issues that will be discussed will bring meaning to each and every one of you.
Thank you to all who made this possible