Last updated on October 3, 2018
During the early morning hours of Saturday, October 3, 2015, MSF’s trauma hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, came under precise and repeated airstrikes by United States forces. The main hospital building, which housed the intensive care unit, emergency rooms, laboratory, X-ray, outpatient department, mental health, and physiotherapy ward, was hit with precision, repeatedly, during each aerial raid, while surrounding buildings were left mostly untouched. Even as the attack continued, our colleagues fought for their lives and for the lives of their patients with extraordinary determination and courage. On that tragic day, 42 people were killed, including 14 MSF colleagues.
This is an archive of MSF's reporting published in the wake of the attack to pursue accountability and protect the space for medical humanitarian action.
MSF Demands Explanations After Deadly Airstrikes Hit Hospital in Kunduz (OCT 3, 2015)
"Unspeakable": An MSF Nurse Recounts the Attack on MSF's Kunduz Hospital (OCT 3, 2015)
Slideshow: A Trauma Center in Kunduz, Afghanistan (OCT 5, 2015)
Kunduz Hospital Attack: MSF Factsheet (OCT 7, 2015)
Protection of Medical Services Under International Humanitarian Law: A Primer (OCT 21, 2015)
MSF Internal Review of Kunduz Hospital Attack (NOV 5, 2015)
In Memoriam: MSF Colleagues Killed in the Kunduz Trauma Hospital Attack (NOV 23, 2015)
MSF Initial Reaction to US Military Investigation into Kunduz Attack (NOV 25, 2015)
MSF Press Briefing: "Even War Has Rules" (DEC 8, 2015)
What Was Lost In The Kunduz Hospital Attacks (MAR 31, 2016 )
Kunduz: This Is My Story, These Are My Memories (APR 1, 2016)
Kunduz Six Months Later: Shaista's Family (APR 1, 2016)
Kunduz Six Months Later: The Community (APR 1, 2016)
Video: MSF Staff Member Returns to Kunduz Hospital Ruins (APR 5, 2016)
MSF’s Questions in Response to the US Military Investigation into Attack on MSF Hospital in Kunduz (APR 29, 2016)
One Year After Kunduz: Battlefields Without Doctors, in Wars Without Limits (OCT 3, 2016)
Afghanistan: Marking Two Years Since US Attack on MSF Hospital in Kunduz (OCT 3, 2017)